Transformation Happens in Stages
Daily Boost Motivation and Coaching - Un podcast de Scott Smith - Motivation and Coaching
Transformation Happens in Stages
Is there something you would like to transform about your life? These days you are not alone.
Stop smoking, lose weight, get a better job - or another job?
Transformation always follows the same predictable stages:
Stage 1: Pre-contemplation. This stage appears when an idea pops into your head for the first time.
Stage 2: Contemplation. This middle ground is where most folks get stuck. It can go on for a lifetime.
Stage 3: Determination. Moving past contemplation, you make up your mind, dig in your heals, and make your plan.
Stage 4: Action. There is no turning back until you get what you want.
Stage 5: Maintenance. This stage is all about keeping what you have acquired - no matter what. This stage may also last your entire life.