Resist and It Will Persist
Daily Boost Motivation and Coaching - Un podcast de Scott Smith - Motivation and Coaching
Resist and It Will Persist
Is there something in your life that you are resisting?
The old saying, "What you resist will persist" is always at play. It is a potent force in both enhancing and debilitating ways.
In my life, I have learned the root cause of anything I resist is either fear of change or misdirected focus. Others say, "You haven't learned your lesson."
In any case, the solution has always been:
1) Identify the unwanted issue that is persisting.
2) Identify what you want instead of the problem issue.
3) Summon the courage to give up the fight. Accept that you have learned the lesson being taught. Close the door as soon as possible.
What you resist will persist. Sometimes the only way to win the fight is to give up the fight.