Doing More Than You Must For Success

Daily Boost Motivation and Coaching - Un podcast de Scott Smith - Motivation and Coaching


Earl Nightingale produced “The Strangest Secret” to motivate his insurance company sales force.  It is now a motivational standard.

The secret is simple:

1) You become what you think.

2) You must pay the prices.

3) You must control your thoughts.

4) Cutaway the limitations of your mind.

5) Set a clearly defined goal. 

6) Act promptly when your path is clear.

7) Save at least 10% of every dollar.

What do you want more than anything else? 

Do more than you must. Do more than anybody else. Do it better than anybody else.

Are you ready to make so nobody can ignore you?

Commit today to do more than you must to get what you want.

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