Building a Solid Foundation During a Crisis
Daily Boost Motivation and Coaching - Un podcast de Scott Smith - Motivation and Coaching
In a time of crisis, a solid foundation of basic needs is a great way to calm your mind.
In 1954, Abraham Maslow released his Hierarchy of Needs theory. Since everything in life is being turned upside down - it might be a good time to get back to basics. Maslow called them deficiency needs (D-Needs):
1) Provide for your physiological needs. Food, clothing, shelter, money, everything that you need.
2) Make sure you feel safe. Personally, emotionally, financially, health and well-being, and against accidents and illness.
3) Socially you need to feel a sense of loving and belonging. Social media might be finally showing it's real power.
While you work on your D-Needs, begin moving toward your being needs, otherwise known as B-Needs.
Maslow said, "What a man can be, he must be."
B-Needs are where I'm placing my focus. I using the power of the CoronaDRIVE US to answer a question.
What CAN I do that will create a better life after this crisis passes.