238 — Virtual Pietro sur un bateau — mercredi 20 novembre 2024
Cultivate your French : Slow French, at the right pace. - Un podcast de Laetitia Perraut - Les mercredis

Are you familiar with the Vendée Globe race? It’s a solo round-the-world yacht race on a small boat, a monohull. A race without assistance! It’s what we call a ‘sick race’. Every four years, the participants set off from Les Sables d’Olonne, in Vendée, and arrive in Le Sable d’Olonne after sailing around the world from west to east. Pietro is very fond of this race, and has been taking part virtually for several years. What exactly do I mean by ‘virtually’, that’s what you’re going to find out in this episode, among other slightly wacky things. In the notes accompanying the transcript, you’ll find three useful and natural expressions in French, with examples. We’ll also take a closer look at what the little word ‘bien’ can change in a sentence. Especially when you’re investigating, my dear Watson. So, if you want to cultivate your French, not virtually, but the Slow and at the right pace way, I invite you to subscribe to the transcript at www.cultivateyourfrench.com