CTS 148: What Does It Mean To Be An Engineer
Clear To Send: Wireless Network Engineering - Un podcast de Rowell Dionicio and François Vergès - Les lundis

François goes into what it means to be an engineer. Meet Daniel Cavazos Daniel resides in San Antonio, Texas and is a Wireless Infrastructure Sales Engineer for Ventev. Sorry, Daniel! We thought we had a photo of you but we must have missed it! What Does It Mean To Be An Engineer Definitions of an engineer: A person who designs, builds, or maintains engines, machines, or structures. A person qualified in a branch of engineering, especially as a professional. My Definition of an Engineer * Finding solutions to complex problematics * The goal of an Engineer is to solve a problem most of the time complex problem involving a high level of technical skills * Designing a new solution, a new Wi-Fi network * Updating and maintaining a Wi-Fi infrastructure * Troubleshooting a Wi-Fi issues * All these tasks require us to understand what we are doing Embrace the challenge * Once you understand this, you have to embrace it * Problem solving * Embrace problems * See them as a challenge rather than something negative. I really started to appreciate that idea working with more experienced Engineer Important Skills * Be able to understand the WHY * Planning / Research * Be able to know HOW to * Experiment * Be thorough and methodical * You need to be able to support the solution you are proposing Not only the technical skills * You need to be able to communicate * With other Engineers * With less technical persons * Explain and sometimes sell your solution to management * You need to be able to document your work * In a very detailed way for your peers * In a summarized way for management What do you think? Is it how you see your job? What other aspects of working as an Engineer are important?