英语新闻丨飞行任务取得圆满成功 神舟十八号乘组返回地球

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The Shenzhou XVIII mission crew returned to Earth early on Monday morning, concluding a six-month mission onboard the Tiangong space station.11月4日凌晨,神舟十八号飞行乘组返回地球,完成了在天宫空间站为期六个月的既定任务。The Shenzhou XVIII spacecraft's reentry capsule, carrying the three astronauts, mission commander Senior Colonel Ye Guangfu and crew members Lieutenant Colonel Li Cong and Lieutenant Colonel Li Guangsu, touched down at 1:24 am local time at the Dongfeng Landing Site in the middle of the Gobi Desert in the Inner Mongolia autonomous region, after a return journey lasting more than nine hours.当地时间01时24分,神舟十八号载人飞船返回舱在经过9个多小时的飞行旅程后,在内蒙古自治区戈壁滩中部的东风着陆场成功着陆。返回舱上是三名航天员,包括指令长叶光富大校、乘员李聪中校和李光苏中校。After safety checks outside the capsule, ground recovery personnel from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, the homeport for all of China's manned spaceflights so far, will open the hatch of the bell-shaped vehicle and conduct a preliminary examination of the astronauts' state of health.在舱外进行安全检查后,中国迄今为止所有载人航天飞行的母港——酒泉卫星发射中心的搜救回收人员将打开返回舱舱门,对航天员的健康状况进行初步检查。The crew members will then be carried out of the capsule and transferred to medical support vans for further examination.随后,3名航天员将被抬出返回舱,转移至医监医救车内接受进一步检查。After these on-site procedures are completed, Ye's team will be flown back to Beijing to undergo a period of quarantine and recuperation programs, which is a standard procedure for Chinese astronauts returning from space.这些现场程序完成后,3名航天员将乘飞机返回北京,接受一段时间的隔离和恢复,这是中国航天员从太空返回的标准程序。The Shenzhou XVIII spacecraft departed from the Tiangong station at 4:12 pm Sunday, and flew in a return trajectory before re-entering the atmosphere. 3日下午4时12分,神舟十八号载人飞船与天宫空间站组合体成功分离,在进入大气层之前按返回轨道飞行。Before setting out on their return trip, Ye's team handed over their work to a new crew, transmitted scientific experimental data back to Earth and sorted and transferred materials between the station and their spaceship.在踏上返程之前,神舟十八号乘组向新的乘组人员交接了工作,将科学实验数据传回地球,并在空间站和飞船之间整理和转移材料。In the next six months, the Tiangong station will be manned by the Shenzhou XIX trio, headed by Senior Colonel Cai Xuzhe, who arrived on Wednesday afternoon.在接下来的六个月里,天宫空间站将由神舟十九号三人乘组驻守。他们已于10月30日下午抵达,指令长为蔡旭哲大校。Ye and his colleagues, who were the seventh crew to inhabit the Tiangong space station, took over the space station from their peers on the Shenzhou XVII mission in late April.神舟十八号乘组是天宫空间站的第七批乘员,他们于4月底从执行神舟十七号任务的同伴手中接管了空间站。During their stay, they conducted two spacewalks to mount and fine-tune equipment outside the Tiangong, and carried out numerous scientific and technological tasks.在驻留期间,他们进行了2次出舱活动,在天宫空间站外安装和调试设备,并执行了多项科学实(试)验。It has been the second space journey for Ye and the first for his two crew members.这是叶光富的第二次太空之旅,也是李聪、李广苏的首飞之旅。After the flight, Ye has taken over in the Chinese astronauts' group in terms of having spent the longest time in space, with a total of 374 days in orbit, across two space missions.这次飞行后,叶光富接替成为中国在轨飞行时间最长的航天员,两次太空飞行任务累计在轨时间达374天。Before him, Tang Hongbo held the record for the longest in-orbit time of a Chinese astronaut after spending a total of 279 days on the Shenzhou XII and Shenzhou XVII missions.在他之前,汤洪波在神舟十二号和神舟十七号任务中在轨飞行总时长达279天,保持着中国航天员在轨飞行时间最长的记录。homeportn. 母港recuperationn.恢复;修养reentry capsule返回舱