英语新闻 | 二十国集团推动可持续发展

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The G20 Summit in Rio de Janeiro will help foster global consensus and bridge differences, creating a favorable environment for entrepreneurship that can help tackle today's global challenges and support sustainable development, said Gao Jian, director of the Entrepreneurship Research Center on G20 Economies at Tsinghua University.清华大学二十国集团(G20)创业研究中心主任高建表示,里约热内卢G20峰会将有助于凝聚全球共识、弥合分歧,为创业创造良好环境,从而帮助应对当今全球挑战、支持可持续发展。"The G20 is a broad international mechanism that includes both developing and developed countries, ensuring representation from various regions and continents. Each participant plays a unique role. Therefore, the annual G20 Summit and its agenda are indeed beneficial for global economic development," Gao said.高建认为,“二十国集团是一个广泛的国际机制,既包括发展中国家,也包括发达国家,确保了各地区和各大洲的代表性。每个参与者都发挥着独特的作用。因此,一年一度的G20峰会及其议程确实有利于全球经济发展”。"This year's theme — 'Building a Just World and a Sustainable Planet' — indicates that in global development, every economy aims to create more employment opportunities, secure a good position in global trade, and avoid falling behind. However, this must not come at the expense of sustainable development, which requires addressing employment issues and the green and digital transition," said Gao, who is also professor at the department of innovation, entrepreneurship and strategy at Tsinghua's School of Economics and Management.“今年以‘构建公正世界和可持续星球’为主题表明,在全球发展中,每个经济体都希望创造更多就业机会,在全球贸易中占据有利地位,避免落后。然而,这绝不能以牺牲可持续发展为代价,其需要解决的问题包括就业、绿色转型和数字化转型。”清华大学经管学院创新创业与战略系高建教授说。"Only through global cooperation and joint efforts can we achieve sustainability. And in this process, companies need to update technologies, reduce carbon emissions and foster new innovation.“只有通过全球合作和共同努力,我们才能实现可持续发展。而在这一过程中,企业需要更新技术,减少碳排放,促进新的创新。”"Innovative entrepreneurial companies are essential for providing new solutions to solve these problems. For instance, China's globally leading electric vehicle industry, largely driven by startups, exemplifies this," Gao said.“创新型创业公司对于提供解决这些问题的新方案至关重要。例如,中国的电动汽车产业在全球处于领先地位,而这主要是由初创企业推动的。”高建表示。The Entrepreneurship Research Center on G20 Economies was established in 2017 to promote the implementation of the consensus reached by G20 leaders at the Hangzhou Summit the previous year.二十国集团创业研究中心成立于2017年,旨在推动落实二十国集团(G20)领导人在前一年的杭州峰会上达成的共识。In the G20 Entrepreneurship Action Plan adopted at the G20 Labour and Employment Ministers' Meeting in 2016, it pointed out that waves of technological change, economic globalization and industrial and demographic changes present new challenges and opportunities for G20 economies in both the short and longer terms. The plan urged for G20 members to redouble efforts to support a more innovative pattern of inclusive economic growth, with new engines of development and new pathways for job growth.2016年,二十国集团(G20)劳工就业部长会议通过的《二十国集团创业行动计划》中指出,技术变革、经济全球化以及产业和人口结构的变化,给二十国集团经济体带来了短期和长期的新挑战和新机遇。该计划呼吁二十国集团成员加倍努力,支持更具包容性和创新性的经济增长模式,为发展提供新引擎,为就业增长开辟新途径。Jointly established by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and Tsinghua University, the research center tracks and analyzes the progress of the G20 Entrepreneurship Action Plan and shares valuable entrepreneurial practices and experiences among G20 members.该研究中心由人力资源和社会保障部与清华大学共同设立,其研究主要包括跟踪和分析G20各成员国《创业行动计划》的进展,总结和分享各国具有借鉴意义的创业实践和经验。Since its inception, the center has hosted an annual G20 Entrepreneurship Roundtable to review and evaluate the progress of G20 members in implementing the entrepreneurship action plan.自成立以来,该中心每年主办一次G20创业圆桌对话,审查和评估G20各成员国在实施《创业行动计划》方面的进展。"Overall, G20 members are keeping pace with the times in entrepreneurship, especially in emerging industries like the digital economy and green transition. In terms of entrepreneurial policies, developed countries tend to have more detailed and systematic policies, while developing countries may lag in this aspect," Gao noted.“总体而言,G20成员国在创业方面与时俱进,尤其是在数字经济和绿色转型等新兴产业领域。在创业政策方面,发达国家往往有更详细、更系统的政策,而发展中国家在这方面可能相对滞后。”高建指出。"China, as a G20 member, has significant advantages in providing entrepreneurship services. For example, China emphasizes tailored policies for different groups, such as incubation services for young people, women and new university graduates, provided by social institutions. This is considered an advanced practice internationally," Gao said.“中国作为G20成员国之一,在提供创业服务方面具有显著优势。例如,中国强调为不同群体量身定制政策,如由社会机构为青年、妇女和大学应届毕业生提供孵化服务。这在国际上被认为是一种先进的做法。”高建说。"China's reform and opening-up policies are also conducive to global economic development and openness. As an inclusive nation promoting globalization, China's development benefits global entrepreneurs. Events like the China International Import Expo and the Canton Fair also stimulate international entrepreneurship," said Gao.“中国的改革开放政策也有利于全球经济的发展和开放。作为一个推动全球化的包容性国家,中国的发展惠及全球企业家。中国国际进口博览会和广交会等活动也激发着国际创业精神。”高建表示。global consensus全球共识entrepreneurshipn. 创业tailorv. 定制,使适合digital transition数字化转型