The Can I Have Another Snack? Pod

Can I Have Another Snack? - Un podcast de Laura Thomas, PhD, RNutr


Before we get into today’s newsletter, I just wanted to say a massive thank you to everyone who has subscribed, shared, commented and liked posts since my premature launch on Thursday (tl;dr I accidentally hit send as I was scheduling up a post for next week and had no choice but to just roll with it). After what has objectively been a terrible year, it’s heartening to have such a warm response to this new project. THANK YOU!And if you haven’t already, you can join all the lovely folks introducing themselves to this fledgling community over here (and get the dl on what this newsletter is all about). Plus my first essay for Can I Have Another Snack? outlining all the ways the BMI sucks. I also wanted to give you a little teaser of what to expect coming up this week: I have a piece coming on Tuesday about the National School Measurement Programme in schools (aka the ‘ob*sity’ report card). It takes a lot to shock me these days when it comes to the lengths the government will take to wage war on kids’ bodies, but even I was shook with some of what I found while researching this essay. Then, in our inaugural community discussion thread on Thursday, we’re looking at ‘The Nation’s Favourite PE Teacher’s’ kids book, and WOOF, it’s a lot. Then on Friday, I’ll be sharing the first interview from my new pod - also called Can I Have Another Snack? - inspired, I know. Today I’m sharing a short trailer of what to expect, alongside some snippets of conversation from this month’s guests, which you can listen to right here in Substack ^^^ (and soon in your regular Pod player - it might just take a few days for Apple to accept the feed). I’ve also put it in the DSMG feed for old timers. So what’s the deal? Each week I’m asking my guests two questions - who or what are you nourishing right now? And who or what is nourishing you? Upcoming guests include  Laxmi Hussain, Naureen Hunani, Christy Harrison, Clara Nosek, and Julia MF Turshen (!!!!!!). We explore topics around postpartum bodies, food, sanctimommy culture, neurodiversity, diet-culture, kids, capitalism, anti-fat bias, and so much more. Check out the preview above - or subscribe in your podcast player. The first full episode will drop on Friday, and the transcript is below if you’d prefer to read.Hey, welcome to Can I Have Another Snack? A brand new podcast with me, Laura Thomas. Some of you might know me already from my books Just Eat It and How To Just Eat It, or from my old podcast, Don’t Salt My Game. For those of you who don’t know me, I’m an anti-diet registered nutritionist who helps people make peace with food and their bodies. I’m especially interested in helping parents navigate the hell-scape that is diet culture and to end the intergenerational cycle of body shame and disordered eating. So let me tell you about this podcast. Can I Have Another Snack is an exploration of appetite, identity, and bodies. We’re going to talk about how we feed ourselves and our kids (in all senses of the word!), and the ingredients we need to survive in diet culture. Every week I’m asking my guests two questions: who or what are you nourishing? And who or what is nourishing you? Over the next few weeks, you can expect delicious and nurturing conversations with artist Laxmi Hussain, dietitian Christy Harrison, and cookbook author Julia Turshen, among loads of other cool and inspiring guests.But it doesn’t stop there - Can I Have Another Snack is a whole universe. In the show notes you’ll find a link to my Substack newsletter. The Newsletter is a place where I share deeply researched essays on fundamental topics in the anti-diet cannon - this month we’re taking a look at why BMI is bullshit, I’m exploring the history and the problems with the National Child Measurement Programme in Schools, and talking about why nutrition education in schools is really toxic. September has a sort of loose back to school theme. I’ll also host weekly discussion threads called Snacky Bits covering everything from Joe Wicks’ weird attempt to indoctrinate kids into capitalism through to how to clap-back to unwanted diet and body talk in front of your kids, plus my monthly dear Laura column, where I fashion myself as an agony aunt and answer your questions, plus  I’ll share downloads to help you with anti-diet parenting and so much more. And what’s so cool about hosting on Substack is that we can really build a community of people who can support and lean on each other. Or just scream into the void if that’s what you need to do. I’m also so excited to co-create this space with you - I want it to be a collaboration where you let me know what kinds of topics and segments you want covered and where we crowdsource ideas and solutions and share them with each other.  I hope you’ll join me in creating something really special, or at least a place where you can show up as your authentic, unapologetic self. Can I Have Another Snack is a listener and reader supported project, meaning that if you like and va...

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