The Colossus - The Power of Belief

By Kids, For Kids Story Time - Children's Story Podcast - Un podcast de BKFK Studio

Is there really a monster terrorizing Snaggleton, or is it all in their heads? 🤔👻 The power of belief can be a strange thing! The Colossus That Wasn't There 🌟✨ In the magical village of Snaggleton, Jinx and Snickerfang overhear tales of a HUMONGOUS monster lurking nearby! 😱 Sir Chucklenugget vows to slay the beast ⚔️, while Grumblegut, Trolla, and Snotbeard are ready for a rumble! 💪 Even Wizzlethorp is intrigued! 🧙‍♂️ But when Lexi the pixie claims the colossus is invisible, things get ...

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