Episode 85- ““Practical Mentorship"

Breaking Doctrine - Un podcast de Combined Arms Doctrine Directorate (CADD)


Lieutenant Colonel Nate Rice (host) brings three guests to talk about ATP 6-22.1, Providing Feedback: Counseling-Coaching-Mentoring. - Colonel (COL) Andy Morgado, Director of the Army University Press - Ms. Judy Price, Leadership Editor and Doctrine Developer - First Lieutenant (1LT) Melissa Czarnogursky, Brigade S4-Assistant of the 108th ADA Brigade They discuss doctrine on counseling, coaching and mentorship, what mentorship is, what it is not, and tips on being a good mentor and mentee. Check out COL Morgado and 1LT Czarnogursky’s article on mentorship here: https://www.armyupress.army.mil/Journals/Military-Review/Online-Exclusive/2024-OLE/Mentorship/

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