Ep. 39 - Common Hormone Disruptors You Should Absolutely Know About
Betterment Sessions Podcast - Un podcast de Emily & Natalie Morrow - Les mercredis

In this week's episode we break down the largest categories of everyday chemicals and products that can severely impact our health, and how we can avoid them. When it comes to our products and how we consume them, knowledge is power. By understanding which ingredients to avoid, we can make the choices that help us to maintain optimum hormonal health. To work with Emily for one-on-one coaching visit emilyannemorrow.com/work-with-emilyBecome a patron and get extra perks: patreon.com/bettermentsessionsDOWNLOAD OUR 15 FREE AFFIRMATIONS FOR MIND, BODY, AND SOUL: bettermentsessions.com/free-affirmations-downloadLiked this episode? You will probably love these too:Ep. 29 - A List of Health Facts You Probably Don't Know, But ShouldEp. 19 - Bloated, Anxious, Tired? Simple Self Care for a Healthy Lymphatic SystemEp. 13 - Gut Health 101: A Breakdown for BeginnersFind us on Instagram:@bettermentsessions@natcolorshair@emilyannemorrowShoot us an email:[email protected]*Disclaimer: All information in this podcast is intended for general information purposes only. By listening to this podcast you agree that all your decisions based on and application of the information provided by this podcast is by your own personal choice. By listening you agree that you do not hold Betterment Sessions Podcast, Emily Morrow, Natalie Morrow, or Emily Morrow Coaching liable for any claim or third party claim, death, injury, or personal/physical damage as a result of the use, interpretation, or application of the information contained in this podcast.