#42 - Edith Bardin - The Pressure of Work, Family & Personal Goals
Better Under Pressure - Un podcast de Sara Milne Rowe

In this episode, I’m talking to Edith Bardin – Global Insights Manager at Shell. The word Global is very apt when referring to Edith. Born in Luxembourg - and consequently speaking 5 languages - her two decades building ‘global consumer insights’ expertise have taken her all sorts of places, including northern Europe, the UK, Canada and even Mauritius. She now is a worldwide authority on everything from decoding consumers’ minds in retail, entertainment and packaging - to embracing the evolving landscape of air travel and, most recently, e-mobility. In our conversation, Edith shares...- What she discovered about her efficiency at work after she’d had children.- What doing a charity swim taught her about herself.- And how it affected her growing up as ‘an unexpected triplet’