JF3548: The Unconventional Mobile Home Park Strategy Nobody’s Using — PLUS, Why You Should Be Raising Capital ft. John Fedro (Part II)
The Best Ever CRE Show - Un podcast de Joe Fairless
John Fedro, a mobile home investing expert, joins host Ash Patel on the Best Ever Show. In Part II of this two-part interview, John discusses why he’s NOT interested in RV parks, the roadblocks to scaling, and why he’s currently not raising capital — an admission to which Ash responds with a story that changes John’s perspective on raising capital, and likely yours, too. John Fedro | Real Estate Background Mobile Home Madness Based in: Austin and Tampa Portfolio: 100+ mobile homes, a handful of SFHs, and 5 mobile home parks Say hi to him at: Spotify https://www.youtube.com/@mobilehomeformula www.mobilehomeinvesting.net Best Ever Book: Bringing Out the Best in People by Aubrey C. Daniels Sponsors: InvestHER Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices