#43 The chakras & witness awareness with Swami Karma Karuna
Anahata -kortreist yoga - Un podcast de Silje Sridharana Indreeide
Get an introduction to the chakras, the subtle energy centres within your body, which influence every aspect of you life from your daily experiences to the spiritual realm. They are a framework to understand your physical health and challenges, energy level, mental well-being, emotional states and more subtle layers of existence. The flow or block within your chakras determine many aspects of your life. Developing the witness awareness is a key point in any spiritual practice, both on and off the mat. Get an introduction and some practical guidelines as to what the witness awareness is and how to use it. Swami Karma Karuna Saraswati She is an engaging, intuitive yoga and meditation teacher, inspirational speaker, writer and IAYT certified Yoga Therapist with more than 25 years of experience. She has been trained in the Bihar Yoga traditional system and visits India to spend time with her spiritual guides regularly. Swami Karma Karuna is a co-founder and director of Anahata Yoga Retreat, New Zealand, a residential yoga retreat offering an integral yogic lifestyle. https://www.anahata-retreat.org.nz She also travels throughout the world leading workshops, training yoga teachers, presenting at international events, guiding spiritual sadhana retreats and offering one to one yoga and lifestyle sessions. Private Sessions with Karma Karuna Privattimer med Silje Nettsiden for episoden: anahatayoga.no/chakra