#014 - Do you want fries with that?

Ambitious Lifestyle Business podcast - Un podcast de John Lamerton and Jason Brockman - Les dimanches


Grab the popcorn, and put your phone onto "silent" - we're off to the cinema! Well, actually, John and Jason have been to the cinema, and are back with their take on one of Hollywood's latest blockbusters. No, they haven't been watching 50 shades of Grey. No, they haven't given up talking about Marketing and small businesses, to go into film reviews. What they have done is taken some of the greatest lessons that YOU as a small business owner can take away from "The Founder", a movie all about the story of McDonalds. From humble beginnings as a single burger shack in California to the behemoth that we know today, The Founder chronicles Ray Kroc, and his transformation of a tiny owner-operated business into a corporate giant, and the world's largest land-owner. We'll talk once again about the importance of aligning your goals with your desire (and ensuring that your business partner's desires are the same as yours too!), and show why it's crucial to know your numbers. What business are McDonalds in? The answer might surprise you (unless you've read Rich Dad, Poor Dad, or seen the trailer!). Ray Kroc didn't take "no" for an answer, and we'll show why neither should you. We'll talk about the importance of being disruptive, optimisation of your systems & processes, and tell you how McDonalds ensured consistency of their product, and their brand, even when expanding to 65,000 restaurants around the world. And you won't want to miss John's biggest "take away" (even bigger than a Big Mac with large fries and a jumbo coke!) that EVERY small business owner needs to implement in their business if they don't want to suffer the same fate as the McDonalds brothers... If you can call walking away with a cheque for $3.6 million suffering... Oh bugger, I've just given away the ending. That's why we don't do film reviews... For links to everything we talk about, including the video recording of the episode and transcription of everything we talked about, head over to the show notes at bigidea.co.uk/podcast. And to watch the LIVE recording of each episode of the Big Idea Podcast, join our Facebook Group for FREE - you can then watch our ugly mugs in glorious technicolour every Monday lunchtime, as well as get BONUS in-between-isodes, and direct access to both of us to ask any questions about this, or any other episode.

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