Customer Fandom Featuring David Meerman Scott

Amazing Business Radio - Un podcast de Shep Hyken & C-Suite Radio - Les mardis


Shep Hyken interviews David Meerman Scott. They discuss his new book, Fanocracy: Turning Fans into Customers and Customers into Fans, and strategies for businesses to turn their customers into fans and vice versa. Top Takeaways: -      Human beings naturally crave connection and the feeling of belonging. That’s where the concept of the “fandom” comes into play. Companies must figure out how they can utilize this to their advantage. Every organization is capable of developing fans. -      Companies can turn fans into customers by tapping into an already existing fanbase. For example, an auto insurance company found a fanbase for old cars and began catering to that market. -      Companies can also turn customers into fans. If you can find a way to connect to your customers on a deeper level, they will feel more connected to you and your business. This is where fandom begins. -      The neurology behind fandoms explains how and why they are so successful. The closer you are to people physically, the stronger the shared emotion. This is the secret to creating deep, authentic connections. -      Other factors can contribute to the creation of customer “fans” and a loyal fanbase, such as the exclusivity factor, subscription, and the ability to share on social platforms. These can all give customers the feeling of belonging and connection. -      Avoid creating an adversarial relationship with your customers. Remove barriers for your customers to access your content. For example, provide the free ebook first and later ask for the customer’s email, instead of the other way around. This will generate more interest and hotter leads—and create fans. -      Be passionate. Even if the person you’re interacting with doesn’t share your passion, they can feel it. Passion is infectious. Customers like doing business with people who are passionate. Quote: ·        “Fandom is all about a true human connection—a personal connection. It’s hard-wired into our brains as humans that we want to be part of a tribe, that we want to be together with like-minded people.” About: David Meerman Scott is a marketing strategist, entrepreneur, advisor to emerging companies, VC strategic partner and bestselling author of 10 books, including Fanocracy: Turning Fans into Customers and Customers into Fans. Shep Hyken is a customer service and experience expert, New York Times bestselling author, award-winning keynote speaker, and your host of Amazing Business Radio. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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