AEE 752: Is All Ears English Edgy? Listen Today and You Be the Judge

All Ears English Podcast - Un podcast de Lindsay McMahon and Michelle Kaplan


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Would you say you are an "edgy" person? What does "edge" mean? How can the term be used in different contexts in English? Today we will answers these questions and we'll start with a question from a listener:

Hi Lindsay and Michelle, First of all, thank you for your hard working that you offer to help people with their English. I really appreciate your hard work. Today I have a question on how to use the word 'edge'? I hear Native say it all the time in their daily conversations and each time I hear it means differently. Do you think its meaning change depending on the situation? Or it just has one meaning? Could you please provide examples on how to use? Thanks again for your awesome job!! Sincerely, Lydia S.

    All Ears English TranscriptsMake sure you understand every word you hear on All Ears English. Bring your English to the advanced level with new vocabulary and natural expressions. Get the transcripts from today’s episode. Learn to speak naturally with the American accent. Click here to subscribe and save 50%   There are many ways to use the word "edge." Great question. There are so many idioms so today we are going to focus on just a few.   Idioms with "edge":  

  • Edge:the line where an object or area begins or ends “- merriam webster

  For example: “Be careful, your coffee is on the edge of the table. I don’t want it to fall off!”  

  • To have an edge over someone: to have some advantage over another person
L: Do you think I’ll get the job? M: You’re the most qualified! You should! L: Yeah, but I think my competition has an edge over me because her dad works for the company.  
  • Edgy: This can be used to describe someone who is a little bit different

You might also say: “Rough around the edges”

M: That guy was a little too edgy for me. I like someone who is a little more clean cut. L: I know he’s a little bit rough around the edges, but his heart is in the right place.  
  • To be on edge: to be nervous

M: Can I ask you a question? L: Umm...yeah ummm M: Woah, why are you so on edge? L: Sorry, I have a deadline tomorrow so I’m kind of freaking out!   What ties these uses of "edge" together? They are all about being a little bit different whether it's physically or personality wise. What do you think??   Takeaway for today: Listen to native speakers. How do they use this?   What questions do you have from today? Let us know in the comments below.

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