Episode 212: No More AI and Episode 211

Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs - Un podcast de Conor Hoekstra & Bryce Adelstein Lelbach - Les vendredis


In this episode, Bryce and I catch up and chat about the AI generated ADSP Episode 211.Link to Episode 212 on WebsiteDiscuss this episode, leave a comment, or ask a question (on GitHub)TwitterADSP: The PodcastConor HoekstraBryce Adelstein LelbachShow NotesDate Generated: 2024-12-10Date Released: 2024-12-13Gantt ChartADSP Episode 211: Power, Politics and Misconduct in C++ ✨ADSP Episode 211 GitHub DiscussionWhisper AIAudacityFinal SolutionBlog Post: On "Safe" C++ - HELL IN A REFCELLReddit Comme...

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