Anarchists in the social struggles in Barcelona (2010-2015)

A-ryhmä - Un podcast de A-ryhmä


We present recording of a talk anarchist author Peter Gelderloos gave while visiting in Helsinki, 5th of December 2015, dealing with recent history of the anarchist movement. With the plaza occupation movement, riotous general strikes, occupations, neighborhood assemblies, the riots against the eviction of squatted social center Can Vies, the rise of the far left, and multiple waves of repression under the guise of counterterrorism, the years 2010-2015 were turbulent in Barcelona, and anarchists have often been at the center of events, or playing an influential role from the margins. Peter Gelderloos, who lived in Barcelona, discussed various strategies from the social war, the strengths and weaknesses of current anarchist positions,as well as prospects for the future. Peter Gelderloos has participated in the organization of the general strikes, the neighborhood assemblies, the Can Vies uprising, and in solidarity and support initiatives in response to various waves of repression. He is also the author of "Fire Extinguishers and Fire Starters," "La Rosa de Foc Ha Tornat (The Rose of Fire Has Returned)", "After the Crest" and other texts analyzing anarchist participation in the social movements in Barcelona. Facebook: Twitter: Youtube: Instagram: aryhma Twitch: Apple Podcasts:ä/id1508757319