Matt Tedesco: Self Awareness and Connection
Gratitude Through Hard Times - Un podcast de Chris Schembra

The stars align on this episode of the Gratitude Through Hard Times podcast when two Italian empaths get together for a conversation about mentorship, leadership and personal growth that happens to coincide with the 7:47 Club’s seven anniversary. Host Chris Schembra welcomes Matt Tedesco, VP & General Manager for Americas East at the iconic furniture design company MillerKnoll, for a lively give-and-take about his passion for coaching and unique approach to group engagement and retention. It all starts with embracing the journey! They reflect on the pitfalls of results-oriented management, strategies for getting out from under social constructs that do not serve and the compounding power of positivity. Matt highlights a pivotal spiritual moment that has shaped his value system and explains how vulnerability has empowered him — as a coach, an artist, a musician, a father, friend and colleague. Self-awareness is foundational to all the other elements that connect us with each other, says Matt, helping us tune into our own emotions and — as importantly — the challenges experienced by others.You’ll also learn about what Matt calls his “cheat sheet to the world,” a simple but profound strategy that guarantees we’re bringing our best selves, personally and professionally. Even when the world disappoints, we have it within us to learn and move on with open hearts. “Focus on gratitude, focus on the things that are positive,” says Matt. “Bringing positive energy is a matter of deciding.” This dynamic exchange is your first step! If you’d like to learn more about Chris and his 7:47 Virtual Gratitude Experience, please visitthis link. And click here to listen to previous episodes of Gratitude Through Hard Times. KEY TOPICS:Deflection and Dreams: Chris asks Matt reflect on his humility about accomplishments and the ways in which he feels pride in any endeavor that offers value-add in some way.Results-Oriented Living: The societal push is often towards outcomes, but Matt is committed to embracing the process and lessons learned along the way.Goals are finite. Then what? It’s got to be the going — not the getting there — that’s good.Putting It Out There: By making his music available on Spotify, which is a vulnerable thing to do, Matt is reclaiming an artistic part of himself. Self-consciousness be damned!We can’t be good at everything. And that’s the point! Art and other creative, spiritual or physical pursuits (even those that humble us) can be tools for continuous learning and movement towards self-actualization.Matt envisions members of his teams as ensemble musicians playing in concert; not basketball players taking unilateral command. The focus is on collaboration; not scrambling to hit every basket.Recalling a Pivotal Spiritual Moment: An angry kid lacking in confidence, Matt felt a spontaneous transformational release — and sense of equanimity in the world — following his eighth-grade confirmation in the Catholic Church.What does it mean to be of service and actually help? Matt believes the best coaching/mentoring starts with intentional, active listening. No pre-conceived notions or agenda.Above all, most people simply want to be heard — witnessed in a way that touches something deep in them and connects them to others and a sense of understanding.Nervous, sad confused: Matt’s wife recently provided him safe harbor, a place to be fully seen, when he chose to get vulnerable and share personal and professional doubts.Defining the True Nature of Love: Borrowing inspiration from "Man's Search for Meaning," the Holocaust survivor Viktor E. Frankl’s compelling take on what matters most in life, Matt’s take is that our ultimate meaning isn’t money, sex or power. It’s simply love.Defining Leadership: Loving team members and those we serve requires whole-hearted commitment to listening and caring (that ideally resides in mutuality and reciprocity).Matt’s Strategy for Moving Beyond Social Constructs That Do Not Serve:Cultivate awareness.Welcome uncomfortable, vulnerable feelings.Question and examine emotions as they arise.Own those moments of so-called “weakness” without judgment.How to erode performance? Deny, suppress or withdraw from vulnerable emotions.Gratitude as a Tool for Retention:No. 1: It must be authentic.Tokens like a pizza party or group “atta boy” aren’t enough.Keep an eye out for the smaller acts, which often matter just as much as the big.Make the recognition specific and personal.Communicate in a way that makes people feel seen and heard.You will be most generous and present when leading from a place of love.Accentuate the Positive! Negative thoughts beget more. Don’t miss the opportunity to energize everyone across the enterprise with the force for good that is gratitude!Finding the universal in the specific: By articulating exactly why we have gratitude and celebrating those who inspire it we are spreading a powerfully positive contagion.All in the Perspective: Whether kids on his son’s lacrosse team or his top managers and staff, Matt focuses on Attitude and Work Ethic — the only two things we can fully control.The majority of us are capable, despite (or because of!) personal challenges or setbacks.The world will disappoint, but it’s critical that we move on.Recipe for Success: For most of us, hard work and a smile are the two key ingredients.Looking for Outcome-Based Results? Here’s a measure: Have you gotten a little better?You Are Not Alone: We’re all on the journey together and interconnected There is tremendous power in it!QUOTABLE“He blends doing a good job in corporate American with having an artistic expression and play on the side. And it’s a pretty cool balance!” (Chris)“To be a great leader, you have to do the work.” (Chris)“It is not about the result. It’s about the process and really trying to enjoy and find meaning … If you only focus on the result, once you get that result, then what?” (Matt) LINKS/FURTHER RESOURCES:Matt's Spotify Albums"The Radical Leap: A Personal Lesson in Extreme Leadership," by Steve Farber."Man's Search for Meaning," by Viktor E. Frankl.Books about vulnerability and leadership by Brene Brown."Measure What Matters: The Revolutionary Movement Behind the Explosive Growth of Intel, Google, Amazon and Uber," by John Doerr, venture capitalist and OKR proponent. ABOUT OUR GUEST:Matt Tedesco leads cross-functional teams, manages P&L responsibilities and related metrics, and coordinates complex activities with myriad distribution partners, internal constituents, and outside stakeholders. His focus in on driving sustainable, profitable growth in a complex and challenging market. He has spent the last 20+ years developing the skills, experiences and network to deliver consistently at a high level for both colleagues and customers. FOLLOW MATT:WEBSITE | LINKEDIN | SPOTIFY ABOUT OUR HOST:Chris Schembra is a philosopher, question asker and facilitator. He's a columnist at Rolling Stone magazine, USA Today calls him their "Gratitude Guru" and he's spent the last six years traveling around the world helping people connect in meaningful ways. As the offshoot of his #1 Wall Street Journal bestselling book, “Gratitude Through Hard Times,” he uses this podcast to blend ancient stoic philosophy and modern-day science to teach how the principles of gratitude can be used to help people get through their hard times.FOLLOW CHRIS:WEBSITE | INSTAGRAM | LINKEDIN | BOOKS