学术奖颁奖典礼 Academic Awards Ceremony

5 Minute Chinese 五分钟中文 - Un podcast de The Lone Mandarin Teacher

Send us a Text Message.Hello everyone, in today's episode, I talk about our academic awards on Friday. It was so great to see students walk on stage to receive the awards. But awards or not, I feel happy and proud for all the students for their many accomplishments in and out of my class. 大家好,欢迎收听!这个星期五放学以后举行了高中学术奖的颁奖典礼。首先,高中学生会主席带着大家在国旗下宣誓。然后,校长致欢迎词。随后,新一届的学生会(Student government)和荣誉委员会(Honors Council)宣誓就职。然后正式开始颁每个年级奖,艺术奖,领导力奖等等。之后,每个系颁发自己的学术奖给每个课程成绩最高的学生。也有其他的奖给对这些学科有热情的,努力的学生。看着学生们上台领...