【和Emily一起练口语】please feel free to

双语早餐【英语漫游 英语口语听力每天学 Learning English】 - Un podcast de 喜马拉雅播客

更多英语资讯欢迎关注微信公众号SmethilyFM(注意:“S”“FM”均为大写) please feel free to...请随时 Please feel free to ask me questions anytime. 请尽管随时来问我问题。 Please feel free to come to my house and have a dinner with me because I'm staying alone. 我现在一个人住,欢迎随时来我家陪我一起吃饭。 A:Please feel free to tell me when you need help. 如果你需要帮助请随时开口。 B:You are my true friend who always be there for me no matter how hard I have. 你是我真心朋友,无论我有多困难都会在我身边。 背景音乐:Mika-popular song