Mini-Water Cooler: Avatar: The Way of Water, Bardo, Nope, and More
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On the December 20, 2022 episode of /Film Daily, /Film editor Ben Pearson is joined by /Film editor Jacob Hall to gather around the virtual water cooler and talk about what they’ve been up to.Opening Banter: Our schedule may be a bit scattered through the rest of the year, so please bear with us.At The Water Cooler:What we’ve been Doing:What we’ve been Reading:Jacob has been reading A Long Time Ago in a Cutting Room Far, Far Away by Paul Hirsch and Camera Man by Dana Stevens. What we’ve been Watching:Jacob and Ben watched Avatar: The Way of WaterJacob watched Nope and Violent Night.Ben watched Smile and Bardo: False Chronicle of a Handful of Truths.What we’ve been Eating:What we’ve been Playing:All the other stuff you need to know:You can find more about all the stories we mentioned on today’s show at, and linked inside the show notes./Film Daily is published every weekday, bringing you the most exciting news from the world of movies and television as well as deeper dives into the great features from You can subscribe to /Film Daily on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Overcast, Spotify and all the popular podcast apps (RSS). And please subscribe to our newsletter!Send your feedback, questions, comments and concerns to us at [email protected]. Please leave your name and general geographic location in case we mention the e-mail on the air.Please rate and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts, tell your friends and spread the word! Thanks to Sam Hume for our logo.Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out: